Frequently asked questions about our products and pricing

Will the IRE work with all refinish materials

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The IRE will work with all paint products available, the extraction system captures all paint mist contamination.

Is the air safe to breath being emitted from the unit?

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The air coming out of the unit is by all practical standards the same as the air in the environment where the IRE is installed.

How do I know this?

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The GreenBox measures the VoC coming out of the IRE, and if ever VoC values exceed those in your workshop environment (by more than 40%, which is very little, actually), an alarm is raised, the painting process is stopped as well as other measures.

Does it remove isocyanate?

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The IRE has been tested with all substances used in BASF paints (including isocyanates) and in all cases exhaust air from the IRE contains below 0,01% of the allowed limit values (LV) for the substance. The substances are effective removed by the active carbon filters of the IRE.

How long do the filters last?

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The active carbon filters are expected to last for one year, based on a mix off actors, such as the amount of repairs, being done per day/week/month; the size of repairs being done; overspray, pollution levels from surrounding air (eg exhaust gases from the vehicles in the workshop). Based on measuring the VoC levels around the IRE, the time to change filters can be predicted. The microfilters have to be changed 6 times per year and the paint stop filters every second week.

How do you know when the filters are blocked?

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You will know long before, because the VoC measurements will pick up an increase in VoC coming out of the IRE – and this is the best indicator that the active carbon filters need replacement. The controller also has an hours counter, showing how long the filters have been in operation.

Are the filters expensive?

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The active carbon filters are the most expensive “consumable” in the IRE. CarhealX has an effective sourcing process, and we recommend that you sign a service agreement with CarhealX, comprising also all costs for filters.

How much energy does the unit use?

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Power usage for outlet fans, inlet fan, LED light systems, GreenBox, air valve system is below 4 kW. If you operated the unit 24/7, it would consume 35.000kWh per year _ but you don’t!. Assuming 220 working days where the IRE is in operation (fans running etc) for 6 hours, power consumption would be 5.280kWh.However, the fans are variable speed controlled, and they rarely run at 100%. If the fans run an average 80%, their power consumption is reduced to 50%... Most of the time, the fans run at lower speeds – but with this assumption, the annual power consumption of the IRE would be 2.640 kWh per year.

How long is the warranty?

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The warranty is 1 (one) year. CarhealX offers a comprehensive service/maintenance agreement, covering all filters, sensors, annual inspection and remote monitoring.

Does it need servicing?

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Yes, filters need to be replaced on a regular basis, the VoC sensors must be replaced on an annual basis, and the overall unit needs to be inspected and cleaned on an annual basis. For this reason CarhealX offers a comprehensive service agreement, which also comprises online monitoring, hotline and other services at a fixed price.

What is the clearance time?

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Booth clearance time of the was measured using the procedures described by HSE (Health and Safety Executive, England). Depending on the fan speed, it ranges from 210 seconds to 285 seconds for an empty booth (no vehicle inside).

Is the air heated?

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No, the IRE uses the air from the workshop where it is installed – so “room temperature” is always at hand. Heaters are only used for the drying process.

How many cubic meters of air does it use?

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The maximum air volume is 9.600 cubic meters per hour, running the fans at full speed.

How much floor space do I need to accommodate the unit? Any height requirements? Other requirements?

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The IRE measures 6,4 m (L); 4,7 m (W) and 2,5 m (H). For practical reasons and to ensure proper air flows in and out of the unit, the should be 1 (one) meter free space to the sides and above the IRE (recommended).

How do I service this unit, and is there a schedule for that? Does CarhealX provide the required services?

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The IRE manual describes the required service/maintenance processes required, mainly concerning filter replacements, VoC sensor replacements and general maintenance of the unit. CarhealX offers a comprehensive service agreement covering all relevant aspects of service, maintenance and troubleshooting for a fixed monthly fee – and guaranteeing operational availability of 98%

The GreenBox communicates data. What happens with that data? Who owns it?

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Data is communicated to “the cloud”, from where it can be accessed both by CarhealX and - based on prior agreement – by the customer. CarhealX uses the data for remote services, but also for documentation of VoC levels on each site. The customer can have his own dashboard set up, and thereby access all relevant data from individual sites as well as in overviews for all or selected sites, for statistical, regulatory or benchmarking purposes. The IRE Service Agreement comprises the remote monitoring services.

How do we dispose of the used filters and how do we source new filters?

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Used filters should be disposed of as industrial waste. The filters are commercially available, standard filters. We do, however recommend to leave this task to CarhealX as part of our service agreement. For a fixed monthly fee, we handle delivery of required filters on time, backed by a 98% availability guarantee.

Apart from the filters, which parts need replacement?

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The VoC sensors need to be replaced on an annual basis. This is a key component in the compliance processes for the IRE. We recommend to leave this task to CarhealX as part of our service agreement. For a fixed monthly fee, we handle delivery of required filters and sensors on time, and perform an annual maintenance and inspection on site, backed by a98% availability guarantee.

How do you ensure the integrity of the VoC sensors?

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The VoC sensors need to be replaced on an annual basis. This is a key component in the compliance processes for the IRE. We recommend to leave this task to CarhealX as part of our service agreement. For a fixed monthly fee, we handle delivery of required filters and sensors on time, and perform an annual maintenance and inspection on site, backed by a98% availability guarantee.

What equipment can I use for the drying mode?

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IR heaters are recommended. CarhealX will not go into specific brands here, but we can deliver all required equipment and consumables on request, UV curing can be used with specific UV products.

Is there a way to finance the equipment? What will that cost?

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Local conditions apply… CarhealX cannot guarantee that your company can finance the IRE in your area. The IRE is mobile equipment, and we have good experience financing it via eg Grenke Leasing. Typically, you can finance the unit over 5 years. If the cost of the IRE itself is €30.000, then a 5 year leasing would cost you €500per month plus interests

I do not have any internal paint operations today, How do I set up the "full package", including equipment list, consumables, floor plans, processes etc? Is that something CarhealX helps me do? What exactly will be my "entry cost" for this concept?

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Prior to your purchase decision, CarhealX together with BASF (our strategic partner) will help you set up the required risk analysis for your site and define all required work processes, space requirements etc. and support the approvals processes. Further to this, we can supply all required equipment, consumables. If starting from “zero”, expect an entry cost of below €60.000 and expect a lot of support from CarhealX and BASF,

How much staff do I need to operate this effectively?

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The staff level really depends on the amount of work you intend to do. You can operate the IRE as a single user, or you can set up processes to increase the throughput – and that determines how many staff you need.

How many repair jobs do I need per day/week/month to be profitable?

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CarhealX recognizes that the economy of using an IRE is mainly determined by the amount of vehicles you have access to repairing and the size of the jobs made. We have a standard calculator for the economic viability, where we together with you go through your scope of work, market prices and your various cost items, ranging from labor to consumables. Based on this, we can calculate YOUR economic case. As rule of thumb, you need to do more than 3 jobs per day to break even, but many variables apply. Let’s do YOUR calculation to find out.

How will I know if the filters are not working or just full or if the unit is not operating properly?

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The active carbon filters are expected to last for one year, based on a mix off actors, such as the amount of repairs, being done per day/week/month; the size of repairs being done; overspray, pollution levels from surrounding air (eg exhaust gases from the vehicles in the workshop). Based on measuring the VoC levels around the IRE, the time to change filters can be predicted. The microfilters have to be changed 6 times per year and the paint stop filters every second week – as a rule of thumb. The IRE GreenBox controller monitors a long list of key parameters and components, and if there is a fault situation, you will be warned in ways depending on the nature of the fault. An alarm log is one of the many facilities of the GreenBox controller.

How do you ensure that polluted air only leaves the portal through the filters?

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The air supply and the exhaust air volumes are controlled by the fan speed settings. These settings are made to ensure, that more air is exhausted than what is supplied, thus creating a small vacuum inside the IRE. The setting is adjusted on a daily basis by the operator, and he can observe the required vacuum level simply by watching the cloth of the expander being sucked slightly into the aluminum frame. Air leaving the portal can only leave the IRE through the forced exhaust ventilation.

Can I still work in the IRE if the filters are not working effectively?

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No. If the filters are not working correctly you should discontinue work in the IRE and see to the problem being fixed. Contact IRE for further support.

How long time does it take to install the IRE? If I need to remove it, how long time does that take? Can I do it myself?

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An IRE can be installed and commissioned within one day by an experienced team. It can be taken down in about half a day. Yes, you can do it yourself, guided by our manuals.

What size vehicles can I fit in?

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The IRE is designed for normal passenger vehicles. It will contain all vehicles up to 2.2m high.

I have seen these other products, from PIVAB and Expanda and Paint Trotter. Why is this a better solution?

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The IRE is the closest you can get to having the same working environment as in a normal spray booth – it is not a prep station. We are proud to inform you about all the facilities and functions of the IRE, and all we do to ensure a safe and compliant working environment.

I sometimes need to repair bigger jobs - more panels, even a full vehicle. How can I do that in the IRE?

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The IRE is designed to do up to 3 panels in one paint operation. If you need to do bigger jobs than that, you need to do more cycles. Further, for roof jobs and other horizontal surfaces, you may be challenged to create the optimal conditions inside an IRE.

The Expander, can I have one on both sides of the IRE?

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Yes, you can have an expander at both ends of the IRE, if you have the space and need for it.

Will the IRE work with all refinish materials?

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The IRE will work with all paint products available. Our Greenbox and patented VOC detection captures all VOC measurements through the unique 3 stage filtration system.

Is the air safe to breath being emitted from the unit?

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The air quality coming out of the unit is similar to the air quality of the surrounding environment where the IRE is installed.

How do I know this?

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The Greenbox measures the VOC emissions from the IRE, and if the VOC values ever exceed those present in your workshop environment by more than 40% (which is a minimal difference), an alarm is triggered, prompting the suspension of the painting process and implementation of other necessary measures.

Does it remove isocyanate?

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The IRE has undergone testing with all substances utilized in BASF paints, including isocyanates. In every instance, the exhaust air from the IRE contains below 0.01% of the permitted limit values (LV) for each substance. The active carbon filters of the IRE effectively remove these substances.

How do you know when the filters are blocked?

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You will be alerted well in advance, as the VOC measurements will detect any rise in VOC emissions from the IRE. This serves as the most reliable indicator that the active carbon filters require replacement. Additionally, the controller features an hour counter that displays the duration of the filters' operation.

How much energy does the unit use?

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The power usage for outlet fans, inlet fan, LED light systems, Greenbox, and air valve system remains below 4 kW. If the unit were operated continuously for 24/7, the annual consumption would amount to 35,000 kWh. However, this is not the case. Considering 220 working days, during which the IRE operates for 6 hours with fans running, the power consumption would be 5,280 kWh. It is important to note that the fans are variable speed controlled and rarely operate at 100%. Assuming an average fan speed of 80%, the power consumption is reduced to 50%. Moreover, the fans predominantly run at lower speeds. With these assumptions, the annual power consumption of the IRE would be 2,640 kWh.

How long is the warranty?

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The warranty period is one year. Carheal X provides a comprehensive service and maintenance agreement that covers all filters, sensors, annual inspections, and remote monitoring.

Does it need servicing?

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Yes, regular filter replacements, annual replacement of VOC sensors, and annual inspections and cleaning of the unit are essential. That is why Carheal X offers a comprehensive service agreement, which includes online monitoring, a hotline, and other services at a fixed price.

What is the clearance time?

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Booth clearance time of the was measured using the procedures described by HSE (Health and Safety Executive, England). Depending on the fan speed, it ranges from 210 seconds to 285 seconds for an empty booth (no vehicle inside).

Is the air heated?

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No, the IRE uses the air from the workshop where it is installed – so “room temperature” is always at hand. Heaters are only used for the drying process.

How many cubic meters of air does it use?

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The maximum air volume is 9.600 cubic meters per hour, running the fans at full speed.

How much floor space do I need to accommodate the unit? Any height requirements? Other requirements?

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The IRE has dimensions of 6.4 m (L), 4.7 m (W), and 2.5 m (H). To ensure practicality and maintain adequate airflow into and out of the unit, it is recommended to have a minimum of 1 meter of free space surrounding and above the IRE.

How do I service this unit, and is there a schedule for that? Does CarhealX provide the required services?

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The IRE manual describes the necessary service and maintenance processes, primarily focusing on filter replacements, VOC sensor replacements, and general unit maintenance. Carheal X provides a comprehensive service agreement that covers all relevant aspects of service, maintenance, and troubleshooting for a fixed monthly fee. This agreement guarantees an operational availability of 98%.

The GreenBox communicates data. What happens with that data? Who owns it?

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Data is transmitted to "the cloud," where it can be accessed by both Carheal X® and, based on prior agreement, the customer. Carheal X® utilizes the data for remote services and documentation of VOC levels at each site. The customer has the option to set up their own dashboard to access relevant data from individual sites, as well as overview data for selected or all sites, for statistical, regulatory, or benchmarking purposes. The remote monitoring services are included in the IRE Service Agreement.

How do we dispose of the used filters and how do we source new filters?

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Used filters should be disposed of as industrial waste. These filters are commercially available and considered standard filters. However, we strongly recommend leaving this task to CarhealX as part of our service agreement. With a fixed monthly fee, we ensure timely delivery of the required filters, supported by a 98% availability guarantee.

Apart from the filters, which parts need replacement?

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The VOC sensors require annual replacement, serving as a crucial component in the compliance processes for the IRE. We strongly advise entrusting Carheal X® with this responsibility as part of our service agreement. With a fixed monthly fee, we ensure timely delivery of the required filters and sensors, while conducting an annual maintenance and inspection on-site. Our services are backed by a 98% availability guarantee.

How do you ensure the integrity of the VoC sensors?

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The VOC sensors require annual replacement, serving as a crucial component in the compliance processes for the IRE. We strongly advise entrusting Carheal X® with this responsibility as part of our service agreement. With a fixed monthly fee, we ensure timely delivery of the required filters and sensors, while conducting an annual maintenance and inspection on-site. Our services are backed by a 98% availability guarantee.

What equipment can I use for the drying mode?

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IR heaters are highly recommended. While Carheal X does not provide specific brand recommendations, we are able to supply all necessary equipment and consumables upon request. Additionally, UV curing can be utilized with specific UV products.

Is there a way to finance the equipment?

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Local conditions are applicable, and it is important to note that Carheal X® cannot guarantee financing for the IRE in your specific area. However, as the IRE is considered mobile equipment, we have had positive experiences with financing options such as Grenke Leasing. Typically, it is possible to finance the unit over a period of 5 years.

I do not have any internal paint operations today, How do I set up the "full package", including equipment list, consumables, floor plans, processes etc etc? Is that something CarhealX helps me do? What exactly will be my "entry cost" for this concept?

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Before making your purchase decision, Carheal X®, in collaboration with our strategic partner BASF, will assist you in setting up the necessary risk analysis for your site. We will also help define all required work processes, space requirements, and provide support throughout the approvals processes. Additionally, we can supply all the necessary equipment and consumables. If starting from scratch, anticipate an entry cost below €60,000, and rest assured that Carheal X® and BASF will provide extensive support throughout the process.

How much staff do I need to operate this effectively?

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The staffing level primarily depends on the workload you plan to handle. The IRE can be operated by a single user, or you can establish processes to enhance throughput, which will determine the required number of staff members.

How many repair jobs do I need per day/week/month to be profitable?

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Carheal X® acknowledges that the cost-effectiveness of utilizing an IRE primarily relies on the number of vehicles available for repair and the scale of the jobs performed. We offer a standard calculator to assess the economic viability, where we collaborate with you to review your scope of work, market prices, and various cost components, including labor and consumables. With this information, we can calculate your specific economic case. As a general guideline, performing more than 3 jobs per day is typically necessary to break even, although multiple variables come into play. Let's conduct your calculation to determine the exact figures.

How will I know if the filters are not working or just full or if the unit is not operating properly?

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The active carbon filters are expected to have a lifespan of one year, influenced by various factors such as the volume of repairs conducted per day, week, or month, the size of repairs, overspray, and pollution levels from the surrounding air (e.g., exhaust gases from vehicles in the workshop). By monitoring the VOC levels in the vicinity of the IRE, it is possible to predict when the filters should be changed. As a general guideline, the microfilters should be replaced six times per year, while the paint stop filters need replacement every two weeks. The IRE Greenbox controller diligently monitors a comprehensive list of crucial parameters and components. In the event of a fault, you will be alerted in a manner appropriate to the nature of the issue. An alarm log is among the many features offered by the Greenbox controller.

How do you ensure that polluted air only leaves the portal through the filters?

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The air supply and exhaust air volumes are regulated through fan speed settings. These settings are configured to maintain a slight vacuum inside the IRE by ensuring that more air is exhausted than supplied. The operator adjusts this setting on a daily basis and can easily monitor the desired vacuum level by observing the cloth of the expander being slightly pulled into the aluminum frame. The air exiting the portal can only escape the IRE through the forced exhaust ventilation.

Can I still work in the IRE if the filters are not working effectively?

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No, if the filters are not functioning properly, it is crucial to halt operations in the IRE and address the issue promptly. Please contact CARHEAL X® for further assistance and support.

How long time does it take to install the IRE? If I need to remove it, how long time does that take? Can I do it myself?

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An experienced team can install and commission an IRE within one day. Similarly, dismantling the IRE can be completed in approximately half a day. While it is possible to perform the installation and dismantling yourself, you will be guided by our manuals.

What size vehicles can I fit in?

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The IRE is specifically designed to accommodate normal passenger vehicles and can accommodate vehicles with heights of up to 2.2m.

I have seen these other products, from PIVAB and Expanda and Paint Trotter. Why is this a better solution?

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The IRE provides the closest working environment to a standard spray booth, distinguishing it from a prep station. We take pride in sharing the comprehensive facilities and functions of the IRE, as well as our commitment to ensuring a safe and compliant working environment.

I sometimes need to repair bigger jobs - more panels, even a full vehicle. How can I do that in the IRE?

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The IRE is designed to accommodate up to 3 panels in a single paint operation. For larger jobs, multiple cycles may be necessary. Additionally, when it comes to roof jobs and other horizontal surfaces, creating optimal conditions inside an IRE may pose challenges.

The Expander, can I have one on both sides of the IRE?

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Indeed, it is possible to have an expander at both ends of the IRE if you have the necessary space and requirement for it.

Will the MRC need planning permission

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The MRC is a fixed building will have to comply with local planning authorities.

Can the MRC land in any country

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Yes, the structure will meet the individual requirement for geographic locations, it can be individually specified to meet the building codes for any country and location.

How much space is required

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The foot print of the MRC is 12m x 12m, a full site survey will be covered by a team member from CarHealx as part of the installation plan.

How is the Centre shipped

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The centre is designed for easy shipping in standard shipping containers, its part built to allow easy and quick assembly at site.

What foundation does the MRC require

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The centre and land on any hard standing and be leveled using its specific system, This is part of the site survey and will be covered at the initial stage.

Does the centre have a toilet

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The MRC can be configured to have welfare including a toilet and be connected to all mains services.

How many people will it contain

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The centre is designed to complete operations on 3 vehicles at the same time, the optimum efficiency will be 3 – 4 staff.

How much energy does the MRC use

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There are no fossil fuels used in the operation of the MRC, the main pull of electric will be the Compressed air source and IR drying solutions. The light source is LED throughout. The average daily consumption would be 80kwh (based on 10 hour working day ).

Can I have solar panels fitted

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Yes, the centre is configurable to include solar panels and battery storage, the100m square area available for solar panels can generate 100kwh per day (Depending upon spec of panel and geographic location) – (based upon London).

How is the center heated or cooled

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The MRC uses Air Source heating and cooling, specification would depend upon installation location. This is the most efficient way to keep the environment warm or cool.

How long does it take to install?

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The unit takes 4 days to install the frame and cladded outer frame, additional time will depend on individual specification.

How long is the warranty

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The Structure has a 10 year warranty, all internal equipment will depend upon manufacture.

How is the refinishing covered

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All refinishing is covered within the IRE, this is an integral part of the MRC to allow the safe application of paint.

Can I have the MRC without the IRE

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Yes, the IRE is independent of the Centre and can be configured with or without the refinishing area.

Can I repair wheels

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Yes, the centre can be configured with Tyre and Diamond cut facilities.

Does it have a mixing room

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Yes this is part of the basic requirements, this is extracted to 20 air changes per hour and will contain all the hazardous material.

Is the MRC ventilated

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Yes, the MRC is designed to change the internal air 6 x every hour, this keeps the environment fresh and dust free.

Will the MRC need planning permission?

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The MRC is a fixed building that will need to comply with the regulations and requirements set by local planning authorities.

Can the MRC land in any country?

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Certainly, the structure can be customized to meet the specific requirements of different geographic locations. It can be individually specified to align with the building codes and regulations applicable in any country and location.

How much space is required?

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The footprint of the MRC measures 12m x 12m. A comprehensive site survey, including coverage by a Carheal X® team member, is included as part of the installation plan.

How is the Centre shipped?

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The center is specifically designed to facilitate easy shipping in standard shipping containers. It is partially built to enable swift and effortless assembly at the site.

Does the centre have a toilet?

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The MRC can be configured to include welfare facilities, such as a toilet, and can be connected to all necessary mains services.

How many people will it contain?

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The center is designed to facilitate operations on three vehicles simultaneously, with the optimal efficiency achieved with a staff of three to four members.

How much energy does the MRC use?

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The operation of the MRC does not involve the use of fossil fuels. The main electricity consumption will be for the compressed air source and IR drying solutions, while the lighting system relies entirely on LEDs. On average, the daily power consumption is estimated to be 80 kWh, based on a 10-hour working day.

Can I have solar panels fitted?

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Certainly, the center can be configured to incorporate solar panels and battery storage. The available 100 square meter area for solar panels has the potential to generate approximately 100 kWh per day, depending on the specifications of the panels and the geographic location (based on London as an example).

How is the center heated or cooled?

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The MRC utilizes air source heating and cooling, and the specific specifications will depend on the installation location. This method is considered the most efficient way to maintain a warm or cool environment within the center.

How long does it take to install?

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The unit requires four days for installing the frame and cladded outer frame. Additional time will vary depending on the specific customization and requirements.

How long is the warranty?

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The structure comes with a 10-year warranty. The warranty for all internal equipment will depend on the manufacturer.

How is the refinishing covered?

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All refinishing activities are conducted within the IRE, as it is an integral part of the MRC designed to ensure the safe application of paint.

Can I have the MRC without the IRE?

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Indeed, the IRE is independent of the center and can be configured with or without the refinishing area as per your specific requirements.

Can I repair wheels?

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Certainly, the center can be configured to include tyre and diamond cut facilities based on your preferences and needs.

Does it have a mixing room?

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Yes, this is an essential requirement of the facility. It is designed to achieve 20 air changes per hour, effectively containing all hazardous materials within the designated area.

Is the MRC ventilated?

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Yes, the MRC is specifically designed to achieve an air exchange rate of 6 times per hour, ensuring a fresh and dust-free environment within the facility.

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Still have questions?

Please feel free to chat with our friendly team for further assistance.